Thursday, June 25, 2009

Changes in Consumer Decision Making

The McKinsey Quarterly publishes a thought provoking look at the "consumer decision journey" here.  The article developed the new approach to the decision journey:

"... by examining the purchase decisions of almost 20,000 consumers across five industries and three continents. Our research showed that the proliferation of media and products requires marketers to find new ways to get their brands included in the initial-consideration set that consumers develop as they begin their decision journey. We also found that because of the shift away from one-way communication—from marketers to consumers—toward a two-way conversation, marketers need a more systematic way to satisfy customer demands and manage word-of-mouth. In addition, the research identified two different types of customer loyalty, challenging companies to reinvigorate their loyalty programs and the way they manage the customer experience."

There is a link to a good interactive animation titled "The consumer decision journey" with audio that discusses the changes today's consumer has incorporated vs. the traditional funnel used by marketers to define touch points for their messaging.

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