Saturday, October 31, 2015

Corporate partnerships with non-profits

"Partnerships between the two have become like off-site team-building exercises: they were once slightly exotic, but now no self-respecting firm does without them. A survey of European multinationals and British charities by C&E Advisory Services found that over a third of the firms invest £10m or more in their charitable alliances and almost two-thirds classify the partnerships as “strategic” (whatever that means)."

States the article "The butterfly effect" in The Economist. Non-profit engagements for multinationals today are windows into perspectives and insights that enable them to comprehend the globe from a cultural and social, to a education and scientific perspective, if they choose to. Though:

"But these are partnerships of opposites. Businesses tend to think they discharge their duty to society by obeying the law. Charities want to do the right thing. Indeed, charities like rights in general: the right to food, the right to clean water, and so on. Businesses think in terms of markets, not rights.

The gap is widening. The share of firms that told C&E they are “very confident” that their partnership with NGOs will meet its aims has fallen by nearly half over the past year. Only 40% of NGOs say partnerships have changed companies’ behaviour for the better—down ten points in a year.

Read the complete article here.

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